Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Herbs, Knitting and kids

I started some oregano and basil from seed a few weeks ago, it is a little late in the season to just get something growing but we will see how it does.  For my summer knitting project,  I am slowly working on the Fireside Sweater done up in Cascade 220 Como Blue.  Loving it. 
Please note the cable needle, moments after this photo was shot it dropped to the ground under our deck.  After saying an expletive about 20 times,  I decided it would be easier to just go buy a new one rather than crawl under the deck and fight off the spiders, mosquitoes and who knows what else to retrieve it. 
7/22/11  I am happy to report the cable needle has been retrieved via a homemade cardboard "fishing rod", paperclip hook and a little sticky tape. 

And the kids.....

Alex and Abby are having a great summer and even find a few moments to set aside the sibling rivalry and smile for the camera.

1 comment:

allie aller said...

The herbs are growing nicely, the knitting is glorious...but the kids are absolutely magical!