Friday, July 28, 2006

Where does the time go....

I haven't posted anything new since late May. My goodness where does the time go. June 6, my beautiful son Alex was born and has become the joy of my life. My free time that was filled with quilting is now filled with caring for my little guy. I do get a few moments to quilt while he is napping, I am currently working on hand quilting the double wedding ring quilt.
After 6 weeks of maternity leave it was back to work and best of all, Alex gets to come with me. At first I wasn't sure if I could manage taking care of him and working but Alex is such a good little baby that it is working well. I usually have a stream of co-workers stopping by to see and hold the baby. And it is just amazing the number of smiles he gets as I carry him around. He attended his first all staff meeting and slept through the whole thing. He will be with me for the first 6 months.


  1. Where do you work? You are SOOOOO lucky to be able to bring the baby.

  2. Treasure these early months. They are a very special time for you and your family.There is nothing to beat the smell of a baby's head !
    PS your quilting is pretty cool too!
    Love the stencilling.

  3. Fabulous that you can bring the baby to work. It doesn't get any better than that. I hope more places will do that! It could happen at my job as well but my kids are 31 and 25 so no advantage to me! LOL. I can bring my puppy though! Lucky I had my mommy to take care of my little ones while I worked. As a nurse in a hospital I would not have been able to at that time.

    Love the quilting and that you still make some time for it!
