Friday, September 08, 2006

Fiberart for a Cause Postcard

I recently joined the Quilt Art email list and became intrigued in the Fiberart for a Cause (FFAC) project of making postcards to fundraise for the American Cancer Society. For more information on the project check out:
So, with all the chit chat and sharing of postcards, I pushed myself to give it a try. With the long Labor Day weekend, the husband, baby and I packed up the car and went to visit Nana and Grandpa in South Dakota. Well, with 5 hours in the car I knew I could do a little hand work. I packed up a plastic bag with the scraps of silk ties from another project, prepped the base muslin and tucked in my travel sewing kit. I am quite pleased with the result, so much so that I may not beable to part with my first postcard. I am already working on a second and have drafted a series all based on the antique crazy quilts.

1 comment:

  1. I think this has a real charm about it - not faked or cute if you know what a mean simply charming
    hope to see some more
