Friday, January 05, 2007

TAST - Herringbone

Sharon from in a minute ago has started a year long adventure of trying out a new stitch every week. The first stitch to explore is the herringbone. I decided I would try to incorporate the weekly stitches in what ever I happen to be working on at the time. Lately it has been the floral collage postcards. This post card is still in progress and I am pleased with the free form herringbone stitch I used.


  1. Hi Amy, I had fun meeting you today. I love this postcard with the herringbone stitching, and it was even better seeing it in person.

  2. Absolutely love your pc with the herringbone. I'm trying to incorporate TAST into my current projects, but not as wonderfully as yours. I hope to improve as we go along :)

  3. This is lovely! Very well done.

  4. Your stitching on the card is great. I love the colors you chose for the herringbone. It would be hard to send this one away, I think!

  5. you has corporate the herrinbone stitch very well!

  6. I like how you got the herringbone stitch to flow in organic ways instead of being a row of X's! Love the greens.

  7. Love how this is progressing Amy!! Your floral postcards are all so beautiful!!

  8. What for great postcards. I like it all.

    Greetings Anja

  9. Wow! I love your work. These postcards are simply marvelous compositions.

    Your son is a sweetie. I'll bet he won't tantrum when he gets older!

  10. I really love this! Great use of the herrinbone and very of my fav's from the TAST.

  11. i like the combination of lwi dyed fabric and the stitches. they work very well toghether

    neki desu
