Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tyvek postcards

A few weeks ago, Terri and a good friend Jenny got together for an art quilt play day and messed around with Tyvek. I made my experiments into postcards and used some dryer sheets I had dyed. This first one is ok, I think it could have used some more beading, but since it was just an experiment I stopped myself from spending too much time.

The second postcards, I though looked something like a flower but a few have said it looks like a dress. I liked the colors on this one. I used Jaquared metallic fabric paint on most of my experiments. At first I was using an iron to apply the heat to the tyvek. Worked ok, but it was difficult to see what was happening. A few of the experiments got a little too much heat. We found that using a heat gun with the tyvek sandwiched in between a white non stick pressing sheet worked great and the heat was better directed and the tyvek remained flat.

For this piece, I painted the tyveck and the did a little free motion stitching with gold thread and then zapped with the heat gun. I then attached it to the postcard using the same thread and some free motion stitches.

Our next art quilt play day we are going to try silk fusion. Can't wait.


  1. They look great! You know, that middle one does look like a dress, I'm getting ideas now.

  2. These are terrific! I especially like that last one.

  3. They're all really good. That second one is fantastic - looks like a fairy dress!!

  4. Wow! I love your tyvek postcards.

  5. I've played with tyvec before and had some fun, Never thought to use beads though. Looks great th way they nestle in. Annette

  6. They look just fantastic...where do you buy tyvek?
    Greetings from happydesigns
    (Susi) in New Jersey
