Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pin Hole Photography

I mostly create and work with fiber today, but I did notice that I have a few gems hanging around my house of other work I have done through the years. While in college, I took as many studio art classes as possible. One that I enjoyed was black & white photography. One summer I built my own camera from a Quaker oat container and took pictures around the house. I was amazed when the first photo I exposed, turned out. I have had two of my favorites framed and hanging in my home for years.

The first photo is of the brick patio at my parents home in South Dakota. In the morning with the sun just right, the trellis creates shadows. Because the camera is a Quaker oat can, the negative paper is curved when inserted so you get a great fish eye effect.

The second photo is of the house, the camera was sitting on a wood bench. I like how the trees turned out in the photos. And please excuse the flash, it bounced off of the glass when I took the digital photo.

1 comment:

  1. These are wonderful photographs and it seems amazing that you have built your own camera from a cereal box.
