Wednesday, May 09, 2007

How I support my quilting habit.....

Lets be serious, if I could, I would stay home all day working on art and keep busy all day. But since that may not pay all that great, I do have a job to support my quilting habit. My cube at work has become gallery of fiber art. I work at the State Historical Society and have a great view of the Capitol from my desk...

All the cabinets are made of metal, so I use magnetic strip to attach most of the art to the surface.
I have an ATC and a post card from my mom as well as my fiber collage post cards on an upper set of cabinets.

I also have these two small works made with some fabric beads that were inspired by a Quilting Arts article a few years ago.

A little closer look

I participated in a art2mail postcard exchange and have all my traded cards on display. Such a vast improvement over the drab office file cabinet.

This guy sits on the window sill smiling at me all day long. I was in Lincoln Nebraska visiting my sister along with my mom. Mom wanted to check out a ceramic shop and I just fell in love with the plant man. So much so, mom purchased a mold, poured and fired over 30 pots.

This is my Caveman Quilt made from Ricky Tims technique. I had one gal tell me wow that is big and I guess in the photo you cant tell how big it is but it measures approximately 36" x 18". It still needs to be quilted, but until I get to that, I am enjoying it in my office. Maybe I will like it better when it is quilted, it was a great exercise in just go with the flow and sew.


  1. What a fantastic idea! All that fibre art in your workplace. I bet you get loads of comments.

  2. What a great idea to have so much art and inspiration around you all day!

  3. Nice idea! The side of one of my filing cabinets faces my desk. I usually keep a Quilt Art calendar there, but I don't have one for this year. I'm going to fill it up with postcards...I have a bunch that don't have a home. I do have a quilt hanging on my wall, which I enjoy very much. Thanks for such a great inspiration! Aloha!

  4. I love how you've decorated your work space.

  5. How fantastic to have all that great art surrounding your work area. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. These little postcards are so fun!! Did you know that I collect postcards?? *hint hint* :)
