Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Still beading

I continue to work on the beaded crazy quilt. The border has come together very nicely. I based the design on an antique crazy quilt. Since I am not a precise piecer I used ultrasuede to make the dark scallops and fused them down. I have about half of the border beaded with flowers and I have only a few spots that may need a few more beads on the block. I am stumped on how to bead the orange triangles in the border. The need some beading but I haven't liked anything I have tried. Any suggestions?


  1. I would just outline the edges between the triangles and the scallop with a nice bugle-seed-bugle time line of beads....
    The border works great!

  2. Don't know where that *time* came from. sorry!

  3. Beautiful work. Love the way you incorporated your initials too :)

  4. This is a lovely piece. I think if it were mine I would be tempted to add a largest bead on each of the points of the triangle.

  5. This is absolutely lovely and actually looks perfect just the way it is....but....when you asked for suggestions for the border I immediately saw a small spiral beaded in each empty triangle.

  6. What a wonderful quilt. I like Crazypatchwork and stitching.
