Monday, June 04, 2007

Bead Crazy

The finishing touches are done on the beaded crazy quilt block, now titled Bead Crazy. I think I am going through bead withdrawal and will need to start another project soon. Here are a few photos of the finished work... It is 16"x16".

A close up of some of the bead work. The spider is one of my favorite elements.

All of the embellishment is done with beads with a few exceptions of flowers made with ultrasuede.

Close up of the border.

And the back.......


  1. It is BEAD-U-TIFUL! It really is a stunning piece. Thanks for sharing all of the detail photos. Awesome!

  2. Wow, that is really amazing. Thanks for the close-ups...

  3. this is just beautiful! I love all the details and the beautiful beadwork! I also love the colours you have used!
    Cheers, Denise

  4. Fabulous beading! Thanks for showing us what you are doing!

  5. Just superlative work!
    ...and that really is a very handsome spider....

  6. its beautiful! Wow!Many details and wonderful stiches!

  7. Like everyone else said, really beautiful. Maybe you could share some hints as to how you get your beaded stitches to look so nice and neat?

  8. As I said on the list...WOW! This is a simply lovely piece of work!

  9. WOW!!!!! I'm really new to beading but what you have done is fantabulous!!!! Plus you gave me an idea on how to use some ultra suede scraps that were given to me.

  10. Absolutely stunning! How much does it weigh with all those beads ;D

  11. This is absolutely GORGEOUS! Wonderful embeadery, very inspiring.

  12. WOWZERS!! what an inspiration you are!! Thank you for sharing with the rest of us. This piece is incredible! *~*CAROLE*~*
