Friday, July 13, 2007


Every now and then I get the urge to knit. As of late I have tried my hand at felting. My first flower was a disaster, some how, a few of the stitches came unraveled and didn't felt right. A second try at a flower was a little better, Icelandic wool did not felt to my liking.

So, with one failed attempt and one not so good attempt, I thought I would try a purse, it is the Lucy Bag pattern from Two Old Bags. I just love how one strap tucks into the other. It is folded in half in this photo. Someday it will be finished but I don't work on it all that often. Hmmm, may be a good car trip project for when we drive to Portland OR at the end of July.

I also thought I would share a photo of my handmade stitch markers. I was working on a project and ran out of markers and figured I could make some myself from twisted wire.


  1. I think your felted flower and stitch markers are awesome.

  2. beautiful flower! love them!
