Monday, July 02, 2007

My First Fiber Art

I grew up with a very creative mom. She has been painting, making dolls and sewing my whole life. I remember the summer of 1992, I told my mom I wanted to make a quilt. She dug out a quilt book and cleared off the sewing machine and let me have at it. Maybe someday I will dig out the 8 point start monstrosity and share a photo. (Let's just say my quilting has come a long way)

From very early childhood my mom cultivated that creative spirit. I made this on May 24, 1974 at the age of 2, with a little help from my mom. It measure about 8" square and hangs in my studio.


  1. Amy, I love the linear elements in your little stitched item. Very artistic for a 2 year old.

  2. What a priceless treasure to have! How I wish I had some of my early excursions ;)
