Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mid Year Resolution Update

It is now well past half way point through 2007, I thought it would be a good time to refresh my memory on what I hope to accomplish quilt wise for the year.
  • Make a bed quilt for us. We have a king size bed and I would like to make a double wedding ring quilt in coffee inspired shades. On my recent trip to Portland OR, I purchased a few fat quarter packs of taupe fabrics in blue and pink shades. In the past year there have been several articles in Quilters Newsletter on taupe quilts and I just find the color scheme serene. These will be the rings and I still need to purchase a neutral background fabric. But at least I can get started cutting and sewing.

  • Make Christmas ornaments. I love hand made ornaments and every year around Christmas, I wish I had made a few to share with friends and family. I think this is the next item in my resolutions I hope to tackle, I have made a list (checked it twice) to see how many I will need. Now to come up with a few ideas.... I am thinking a crazy quilt mini stocking.

  • Enter a quilt in a show I have two small wall quilts that I plan on entering in the Bismarck Quiltfest this fall. I continue to work on the Double Wedding Ring that I am hand quilting. I have 5 blocks quilted out of 16 (progress is slow) if I want to finish it on time to enter in the show this fall, I will need to finish the remaining 11 blocks and the binding by the third week in October. This should be my priority.

  • Finish the Spring inspired crazy quilt This quilt was in my previous post and all of the blocks are finished piecing. I have started some beading and planning of flower placement.

  • Keep up on the art2mail exchange DONE.
  • Participate in the Take a Stitch Tuesday with Sharon B I have all but stopped working on the stitch of the week, I am sure I will catch up when working on my crazy quilt and Christmas ornaments.

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