Monday, January 28, 2008

Quilters' Showcase

This weekend was the North Dakota State Quilters' Showcase held in Mandan (just across the river from Bismarck) sponsored by the North Dakota State Quilt Council.

Each year they pick out a traditional quilt pattern to showcase antique as well as contemporary quilts. This year it was crazy quilts, so I entered my Bead Crazy. Not only did this little quilt win a blue ribbon for the category but also Best in Show.

Here are a few that caught my eye. This one is called Never Again was created by Del Rae, she took my bead embroidery class in November. I was thrilled to see that she finished her block.

The wonderful use of color caught my eye on this quilt, Circle of Life created by Laurie Rott of Fargo. Another quilt by Laurie Rott, quite stunning. For the center yellow flowers she used a wonderful marble fabric to enhance the lines of the petals. This was one of the antique crazy quilts on display. I liked the way it was constructed out of crazy patched diamonds. Done is all silk, simply lovely.

I could not read the maker's name of this Baltimore Album Quilt, in the photo I took of the quilt information, but I do remember noting it won several viewers choice awards at quilt show throughout ND. Quite lovely...

It was the flower in the upper right corner of this quilt that caught my eye. It was made by Melinda of Bismarck and it has some great embellishment through out the quilt.
I have to say, I do enjoy all quilts at a show, but by far my favorite are those done with an original design. This landscape was created by Ann Hager of Washburn ND and has some great details done is thread. As soon as I saw this quilt, Prismatic Flower with Attitude, I knew the maker (sorry did not get your name) took Barbara Olson's class in Fargo this past year. (lucky gal) I just love what she did with the flower and many of the leaves were three dimensional. A treat for the eyes.


  1. Congratulations!!

  2. Congratulations on winning the awards!

  3. Yippee! Woo Hoo! Happy Dance! I hope there was a monetary award as well.

    Thanks for sharing some of the other quilts hanging in the show.

  4. Hooray! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the other lovely works as well. Not a single one of them looked like the creator had pulled her needle through with needle nose pliers.

  5. CONGRATS Amy! You're very deserving of those awards.

    It was so nice to meet you in person. I'm glad that you took the time to come over for a little chat. Someday we'll have to get together for that cuppa. ;-)

    Thank you for the little visual tour. I never did make it around to the quilt seeing it through your eyes has been a treat.

  6. Congrats on that best of show! You certainly deserve it.

  7. Best in Show!
    I am glad those judges had their heads on straight...this is just terrific, Amy.

    Thanks for the ultrasuede flower tutorial, too....very clever!
