Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Putting myself out there...

I wrote an article for the upcoming issue of Fibre & Stitch on how I create my fiber postcards.

The Issue will be available May 28, 2008.

I also just received notification that my Sunflowers quilt was juried into the Minnesota Quilters Show that will be held in Rochester MN June 26 - 28. Stay tuned as I have plans to enter this little quilt elsewhere as well.

I did get a bit of bad news, my quilt Bead Crazy was not juried into the Bead & Button Show in Milwaukee WI. Unfortunate, but hmmm where else to try......


  1. Woooo hoooo! Congrats on your quilt getting accepted.

  2. Good for you for putting yourself out there. I hope you enjoy all the success you deserve, your creations are absolutely stunning!

  3. Yea congrats! And, don't worry about B&B. They only look for things they think will sell their magazine. Come to think of it, I just let my subscription run out! Suddenly, that magazine just got boring! LOL.

  4. Your sunflowers are gorgeous, would be nice to see it up close.
    regards from Florida

  5. Your work is wonderful. I'll look you up on Fibre&Stitch!

