Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Bray

While in Helena a few weeks ago,  Brant and I spent a cool crisp morning exploring the  Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts.

Some info borrowed from their web site:
The Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts is a public, nonprofit, educational institution founded in 1951 by brickmaker Archie Bray, who intended it to be "a place to make available for all who are seriously and sincerely interested in any of the branches of the ceramic arts, a fine place to work." Its primary mission is to provide an environment that stimulates creative work in ceramics.
 Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Bray is located three miles from downtown Helena, Montana, on the site of the former Western Clay Manufacturing Company. Set against the wooded foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the 26-acre former brickyard is internationally recognized as a gathering place for emerging and established ceramic artists. The nearby mountains and brick factory ruins provide a backdrop for the creative environment; more important is the dynamic arts community created by the resident artists that come to the Bray to work, share experiences, and explore new ideas.
The grounds contain hundreds of ceramic artifacts and
site-specific sculptures created by former resident artists.
It wan fun to wander around and note all of the "discarded" ceramics
just sitting about and decorating the landscape.

 Below is a shot of the old brick plant.  It is slowly caving in on itself,  but provides a great backdrop to all of the sculptures installed around the grounds.

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