Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Car Knitting Affection

Over the long 4th of July holiday we had a grand family trip to visit both sets of grandparents.  Adding it all together I think it was about 16 hours of car time.  I spent the week prior to the trip carefully contemplating what knitting I should take along.   I wanted an easy to follow pattern, a little visual interest and something that I just might wear. (extra points if it used some of my stash yarn).  Enter Color Affection shawl. All knitting, no purling and a bit of color perfect. 

Although I did not knit nearly as much as I though I would in the car (two kids will do that to you),  I did knit through the first set of stripes on our trip. I had the mustard and the red sock yarn in my stash and picked up the grey to throw in the mix.  It will be a marathon of knitting as each row gets longer and longer, I hope I have the knitting stamina.  And I hope that I will wear it, I have not decided if I am the shawl wearer type.

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