Thursday, August 30, 2012

Landscape progress - Off the Wall

I have sewn everything down and added a border.  Now I just need to decide if it is ready for quilting....

So, I have it pinned to my family room wall while I ponder if I want to tweak anything.

What do you think? 

Check out other great quilt artist sharing whats up on their design wall on Off the Wall Friday on Nina-Marie's blog Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever 


  1. Ohhh this is great! The border sets it off nicely! I'm hosting Off the Wall Fridays on my blog where you link up with other art quilters who are sharing what's on their design walls. Loved to have you share tomorrow!

  2. I like the border! Lovely landscape!

  3. Love the rich colors, and yes, the border sets it off quite nicely.

  4. Great quilt and deep colours, love it.
    I like the border but I personally find it slightly too wide, It attract my eyes more than the landscape.

  5. fiThe piece has a very peaceful feeling, along with the coolness of shade offered by the tree. Wonderful work!
