Wednesday, October 10, 2012

North East North Dakota

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of driving to the far north eastern part of the state to the Pembina Valley Gorge, yep nearly in Canada.

Most of North Dakota looks like this..... the wide open prairie with seldom a tree in sight. 

Highway 85 Bowman County, ND

But near Walhalla,  ND the sights are more like this....

We spent some time at Icelandic State Park and toured the Gunlogson Homestead

the Hallson Icelandic Church build in 1887 it originally stood in the city of Hallson and was moved to the park in 1994. 

Across the street at the Pembina County Museum is St. Anthony's Catholic Church, originally located in Bathgate near the Tounge River.  Constructed in 1882 it was moved to the museum complex in 2004.

Check out Digital Horizons for an interior shot of the murals and altar.  I should also encourage you to check out Digital Horizons it a treasure trove of historic and contemporary photos all of the Northern Great Plains, take some time to poke around.

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