Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Favorite Place

My life has been punctuated by an occurrence we all know will happen.  As we age, we come to the realization that our parents will pass away before us.  This is the way of the world.  There is no getting around it and  no stopping it from happening, it happens.  When it does it hurts like nothing on this earth, it is a long slow ache that right now I feel may never go away. 
On July 5th, 2013 my dad passed away.  My heart aches to try to put into words how devastated I feel.   He was a wise sweet man that is missed by so many.

After he passed away we found a several poems he had written years ago......

by William H. Rouleau

South Dakota is my favorite place
Because it allows me the space
To live a life of liberty
And write about all I see

Pierre has no income tax at all (Pierre is pronounced like a boat....)
And the government is mighty small
That means the air is usually free
From the excesses of democracy

Wide open country is the rule
The people are the crowning jewel
When towns are few and contacts sparse
There is no need to protect your arse

You open your heart to one and all
Who happens to pass by and call
There is no need to guard your space
No one wants to steal your place

In big city America you need a reserve
That allows you to preserve
The life and liberty of all of your flock
From the advances of the Glock (Glock is a type of pistol.)


Easter/my birthday weekend 2013


  1. I've been through it as well and wanted to tell you my prayers are with you and your family.

  2. I'm so sorry for you and your family. May the pain ease and the good memories be remembered

  3. It is so hard to lose someone...but I think you have fond memories or your dad so those will keep him alive in your thoughts and heart.
