Monday, May 22, 2017

From idea to refashioned tote bag...

I have a couple of tote bags that need a refresh and an idea of chevrons or hexies done in raw edge applique popped in to my head.   

And so this past Sunday, rather than work on a quilt that I would like to finish for a show, I started this...(note the huge logo on an otherwise great tote) Now, I am not opposed to shopping at said store, but I don't like being a walking advertisement for anybody.  Secondly, the day I used the bag to haul my daughter's girl scout cookies around the neighborhood to sell (it is a huge bag and there was too much snow to use the wagon), I thought a bit inappropriate for an 8 year old.    

I had thought of paining over the logo but since the bag was black I decided to cut out a piece of black fabric just big enough to cover the logo. That way I could do all of the applique stitching on the fabric and not have to deal with wrangling the tote under the sewing machine needle.  I found a cute mini charm pack of rainbow colors and picked the brightest ones for the chevrons.  Those bright colors sure look great against the black.  I fused each 2.5 inch square to some Wonder Under and then cut out the chevrons.  

Once I fused all the chevrons to the black foundation piece, I used black thread and did some messy free motion stitching around the edge of each piece.  With everything stitched I added more wonder under to the entire back and then fused it to the bag.  A final bit of stitching around, the logo cover up was complete.  

It is my new favorite bag.  

Next up is this freebie from Ulta....

1 comment:

  1. And it would be "my favorite tote" too!! Nicely done!
