Friday, December 22, 2006

2007 Resolutions

I have always been a list person. At work, I have a daily "to do" list and I always seem to complete my list. And I know it is weird, I sometimes make a "to do" list for the weekend and yes, I get most of it done when I write it down. Must be something about writing a task down that makes me get it done, or maybe not forget about it. I decided this year I am going to make all art related resolutions and what better place to write them down and keep track of them all year than on my blog. So here goes...... listed in no particular order.....

  • Make a bed quilt for us. We have a king size bed and I would like to make a double wedding ring quilt in coffee inspired shades.
  • Make Christmas or ornaments. I love hand made ornaments and every year around Christmas, I wish I had made a few to share with friends and family.
  • Enter a quilt in a show
  • Finish the Spring inspired crazy quilt
  • Keep up on the art2mail exchange
  • Participate in the Take a Stitch Tuesday with Sharon B

1 comment:

  1. Your list looks attainable. I've never done a list like this before and have been seeing other's making theirs. So I've decided to make one this year also. I'm still tweaking it and hope to post it by New Years. Merry Christmas!
