Sunday, December 24, 2006

New Fibers and postcards

I have been working on some fiber postcards inspired by the article in the latest Quilting Arts Magazine on fiber collage. It has been wonderful to dig through my stash of fabric, thread, yarn and beads and use them all in one work of art. Today at lunch, I had to return something to Hobby Lobby, so I took a quick spin through their yarn section. Drat, not on sale. But I did pick out a few skeins nubby yarn and some that is ooh so soft.
With my first postcard collage, I found the free form embroidery stitches pulled the fabric and some interfacing probably would have helped. I will have to address the shrinkage problem when I finish the card.

For the second card, I laid out the fabric and basted everything in place and then fused some wonder under to the back. With one of the flowers stitched, it seems to be enough of a stabilizer so I wont get the shrinking and pulling as I did with the first card. I have stuck with a floral inspired design and am trying out a few different color combinations.

My third card has the fabric and I have basted everything in place ready for embellishment. I just received a bag of wool roving scraps that I am anxious to use.


  1. Love these. Absolutely super!

  2. These are looking wonderful. I hope you will show them when they are finished.

  3. Love the postcards! Very nice blog!

  4. i love your work and blog, Amy.

  5. Fantastic postcards! Really love the design and great colours.

  6. I see you fell in love with Kirsten's inspiration :} Fab work indeed!
