Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Landscape Postcards

Two books have perked up my interest in fiber landscapes along with working on my larger landscape
Luminous Landscapes had techniques for using paints to achieve a desire look and Nature's Studio uses fabric prints and manipulation to express nature.
As I work on my larger landscape I have also been creating smaller landscapes. On these postcards, I tried to made careful consideration on fabric color and print as well as placement and size to create a simple yet effective design. I think the first one is a hit and the second is a bit of a miss. On the first one, I like how the blue batik, gives the sky a stormy look.


  1. For some reason I have always thought that quilted landscapes work best in a small scale.
    Keep working small and fast and you will be amazed at what pops out!!!

  2. I like your approach to the PC ladnscapes. My next PC challenge will involve a landscape and these give me some good ideas!

  3. In the top photo, the very top fabric way over on the right side, that coloring and shape makes me think of a tree just add the trunk over on the right edge?

  4. great postcards - I am definitely going to try something like that. I must remember to bookmark this so I can refer back to you when I show my attempts!
