Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I have been working on this landscape on and off for the past few weeks. Not sure if I like the direction it is taking but I am going to continue with it. I added some stitching to the tree leaves, a jagged herringbone stitch. I have also started couching down some different fibers, this is the part I am not too sure if I like, but they are easy enough to remove if I so desire. I have also been working over the grass area of the quilt. the base fabric is great for the sky but the blues in the grass area gave it a watery sandy feel, definitely not what I see out of my office window. (and now looking at the photo I see one more blue area I need to paint) I gave some thought to covering with green fabrics and dug through my stash to find every green fabric I could. But in the end I decided to paint over the blue with green and if that didn't give me the results I desired I would revisit covering the whole area. I am still undecided.


  1. Yep, I'm with stegart. This is a neat piece; I look forward to seeing where you take it.

  2. If you are going to do a lot of stitching in the grassy/ground area, the color of the fabric behind the stitching won't matter so much.

    The tree leaves are looking swell!

  3. Hello, fellow North Dakotan! What a beautiful quilt. I just stumbled across your blog. You do wonderful work.
