Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Beaded Embellishment

I have been working on my latest cq, adding some beaded seam embellishments. I don't know if I am crazy adding this many beads to a quilt but it sure is fun. I usually get each block started by trying to cover each seam with one basic stitch and then going back to add a few more beads and other embellishments. On my previous beaded cq, I used strictly beads for the seam treatments, this time I am working with mainly beads and adding in touches of silk ribbon and threads. Hopefully it will all come together.

I am pleased with how this seam treatment turned out. Done on a darker fabric with the lighter beads it is a stand out. These bugle beads are some of my favorite. I have them in two colors the light greenish blue seen here and also a blueish green. They were purchased at the Sioux Trading Post in Rapid City, SD.

This branch and leaf seam treatment turned out so well, that it has expanded to a few other areas of this block and on to the next block. I think it needs some berry or flower details added with some pink or red beads.

Not sure what else to do with this one, but it needs something more.

Here is a variation on a Cretan stitch.

This is one of my favorite beaded stitches, the feather. I usually starts on a seam and then spreads out and grows. Not sure if I like the lighter green beads I was just getting started on here. They seem to stand out on the block. I think the problem is there are not enough of them, so I am sure I will add a few more. This seam treatment now has a green silk ribbon added, weaving around the flowers. But I thought I would show how it started.

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