Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lutradur & Lace

The new Fibre & Stitch Yahoo group challenged its readers to create a piece of work inspired by Carol McFee's "Lutradur & Lace"article in the premier issue.

Here is how my piece started. I had received a complimentary piece of lutradur with a recent order from Quilting Arts. Had no idea what to do with it so I just tucked it away. The lace is a piece that I had started painting but never finished. Here is how everything looked before any stitching or painting...

First coat of paint is Metallic Sapphire. I also added some random thread around the lace

Next I added some expandable paint and painted emerald green Setacolor and a bit of metallic paint... the result was this mess.... too many colors, the lace and the thread just seemed to be thrown on top of the lutradur.

I nearly trashed the whole thing and started over. But I gave it a few days and then decided to add some more expanda paint and then cover the entire piece white with acrylic paint.

This time, I limited the number of colors to just a base color of brown and a metallic bronze. One painting technique that worked well was to paint on the brown paint and then use a paper towel to wipe away some of the excess and create a highlight on the raised areas. This really helped enhance the details of the lace and expanda paint.

If you have never worked with expanda paint give it a try, this stuff is cool and creates such great textures. I used Setacolor Expanable Paint.

I am going to use this as a cover for my sketch book.


  1. Very glad you didn't toss it in the trash....I liked it the way it was, but it is very beautiful at the end too.

  2. What a great experiment! Love the final results. Does the expandable paint have an odor to it? I find that I can't use the Setacolor Soliel because of the odor.

  3. I like the steps along the way but the end is stunning.

  4. Fantastic result! I thought the second to last step looked great too but your final result is gorgeous!

  5. So glad you didn't throw it away - it looks fabulous - I actually quite like it at the green stage too, though I suppose it does look a little haphazard - but the end result is beautiful. Which reminds me, time to finish my second piece and make a journal of it...

  6. Glad ou didn't trash this Amy - what a gorgeous colour!!
