Friday, September 21, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

The other evening, we took Alex to visit a local pumpkin patch.

He was very excited to see all of the pumpkins......

I want that one......

No that one......

or maybe this one.....
Pause for a moment for a photo with mom....
And in the end, Alex decided he wanted this pumpkin.....


  1. He is so CUTE! Esp. in his little pumpkin colored hoodie.
    Nice to see a picture of you, too!

    Ah, I remember when my boys were that young. The time goes by so fast!

  2. He's so cute- I have a little Alex myself (mine is 4.5 now) but he would still love a trip to a pumpkin patch - not such a big thing in this country, though - there is a pick your own where they have a small selection, so we'll be doing that over the half term holiday at the end of October.

  3. What a cutie! I love a trip to a pumpkin patch! I actually grew one myself one year, and had all the neighborhood kids asking for pumpkins.

  4. Now that is an "awwwww-inspiring" series of photos!

    Such a cute little guy.
