Monday, October 01, 2007

More beaded details

This weekend I continued working on my beaded crazy quilt project. I tried a little SRE. Not too thrilled with the composition of the flowers, seems a little awkward, maybe it is because I have been staring at it trying to figure out how to fix it. But I think I made the SRE flowers too dense in the grouping and the colors of the pink ribbon are too close of a shade. I think I am going to add some SRE buds down each feather stitch and some beads. All of the ribbon is from my hand dying experiments.

This is another angle on the same block as above. I have a few basic stitches in place waiting for more embellishment.

I have been trying to combine different stitching materials to the beading. I added a meandering silk ribbon to some beaded flowers and wove some ribbing through a beaded dashed line.
This stitch was created using two different sizes of bugle beads and was inspired from another blogger (wish I could remember who) posting on the Take a Stitch Tuesday Week 28, the sheaf stitch.

I connected the first two blocks and have been working on integrating the seams


  1. You are using such a lovely colour palette for this and you bead work is exquisite. It make me want to start a new crazy patchwork project.

  2. these colors are fantastic! They are different than what I usually see and very reminiscent of antique quilts!
