Friday, October 05, 2007


I sent a "spy" to check out my Sunflowers quilt at the Fargo Quilt Show this past weekend to make sure it made it. Yes, I dropped it in the mail WITHOUT a return receipt and worried all week if it made it. Will never send one off like that again. Anyway, it made it and guess what, I won two ribbons.

My quilt made it home last night and I finally found out what I won. Third place for the category of Original Design and a judges choice ribbon for Speciality Technique. Along with the Speciality Technique ribbon I won a gift bag ......

This great little tote, full of clear zipper pockets........

and full of goodies.......Already tried out the iron cleaner and it took off most of the gunk but I think some has been there so long is has permanently adhered itself to the plate.......

I was happy to hang the quilt back up on our wall while she waits for her next show here in Bismarck.


  1. Congratulations Amy! That quilt is surely a winner. Looks like you received some wonderful prizes.

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations! The quilt is marvelous and, as stegart said, a winner.

  3. YAY...I KNEW that quilt was a winner.

  4. Well done you! Could you tell me more about the iron cleaner please.

  5. Congratulations! I knew that quilt was a winner the first time I saw it. And yes, can you tell us about the iron cleaner?

  6. How nice! Congrats!
    I have lost 2 quilts, stolen from mail boxes on separate occaisions, so I understand your fear.

  7. I remember seeing your beautiful Sunflowers at the Fargo show. Congratulations!
