Friday, October 05, 2007

Getting ready for quilt retreat....

I have been working on getting a few things sewn for the Badlands Quilt Guild Retreat that will be in Dickinson this weekend. The theme of the retreat is Mexican Fiesta, and all participants received a block of this Day of the Dead Fabric, in teal. Not exactly my cup of tea.....

But I like to play along and made a few traditional blocks to donate. Here are my blocks prior to finishing.

We will also be playing quilt fabric bingo, so I have a few bingo blocks to piece.

And I decided my sketchbook was a bit too boring as just a plain ol' spiral bound book from the art shop, I gave it a funky batik cover with some trim so I can feel very arty as jot down ideas....

1 comment:

  1. I love that little batik journal, what a great idea! And it looks so inviting to use. Mine are all black, no wonder I never write in them!
