Monday, December 31, 2007

Goals for the New Year

With the new year fast approaching I start thinking about what I want to accomplish for the year. But maybe I should take a peek at my list for 2007 and see what I got done, what I got started and what I just did even get to....

Make a bed quilt for us. We have a king size bed and I would like to make a double wedding ring quilt Most of the fabric for the quilt has been purchased just need to get down to cutting out and assembling. I guess this will be on my list for 2008.

Make Christmas or ornaments. I love hand made ornaments and every year around Christmas, I wish I had made a few to share with friends and family. I made exactly one ornament and it was for me. As much as I wish to do this I think it may be a bit too much to fit in with the other projects I had started for the year.

Enter a quilt in a show Completed. I entered a quilt in the Fargo Quilt Show and two quilts in the Bismarck Quiltfest. I also am waiting to hear on a entry for a local Artist and Gallery Association for a quilt show in January.

Finish the Spring inspired crazy quilt This quilt is well on its way but far from done. I should be ready to sew all of the blocks together soon and start working on some applique flowers I have planned for the border.

Keep up on the art2mail exchange Completed this one and even put my name down for another, I guest I like making postcards.

Participate in the Take a Stitch Tuesday with Sharon B I had such high hopes with participating in the TAST but my participation faded as I started to work on other projects.

All in all I feel pretty good about what I was able to complete. Looking ahead to 2008 I have held over a few goals from last year.....

  • Make a king size quilt for our bed. (With most of the fabric purchased, I should be able to get to this in 2008)
  • Finish the Spring Inspired Crazy Quilt

And a few new....

  • Enter a few juried shows. I have found a few local, regional and national shows to shoot for and I have a work in progress that I think will be ready in the first part of 2008.

  • Write a few articles for publication. I already have some lined up with and Fibre & Stitch. I will keep you posted.

  • Finish up at least one UFO. One sure does not sound like much in a year but considering I don't think I touched any in 2007, one in 2008 is a good goal. My thoughts at the moment are on a castle that I stared in a Barbara Olson Class....or the landscape I have not touched in a few months or maybe the 2 or 3 purses I have cut out ready to be sewn together....the list could go on and on.

Happy New Year!

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