Saturday, January 05, 2008

Beading Progress

I have been making some progress on my beaded crazy quilt. My head is constantly full of doubt and questions as I work on this quilt. Will it meet the vision I have in my head? Will all of the elements come together? Will I ever finish? Will the embellishments be too heavy? Did I bit off more than I can chew? It is a wonder that I have not scrapped the entire project and moved on to something else. I guess I am determined to finish. I have added some basic stitches along with some lace

I decided to rip out the SRE on this block. It just was not working now to figure out how to cover all the holes left by the stitching.

I decided to pin it up on one of my design walls to see how everything was blending together. The wall was not quite big enough to fit the entire quilt.....
Over all I do like how the quilt is coming together. But looking at it in the photo I think what a mess. It really does look much better in person.

here is is with a little Photoshop editing......


  1. PLEASE don't quit!
    It is looking terrific...and when you add the appliqued flowers (inspired by that vintage quilt you posted awhile ago, right?) it will all snap into the focus you see in your head.
    It is so rare for people to take on major CQs like this. They are like Baltimore Album quilts in that regard: they require a loooong term commitment...but yield long term accomplishment and beauty. Just hang in there and keep going!
    All those doubts and questions you posted are right on queue, exactly what should be happening at this stage of the game. (I am older than you so I can talk to you with such presumption! But do forgive me.)
    Thanks for showing the overall view...oh and for your favorite pizza toppings that you left my blog, too!

  2. Ooh, keep going! These are looking gorgeous and complex and rich. I guess when you work on one block at a time so closely, you get caught up in the detail -- but together they look so stunning and varied. Amazing work!

  3. Mess? I don't see a mess ... just a wonderful quilt developing.

  4. very beautiful! I love the way these blocks look put together. The quilt has a lot of depth!
