Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Holiday Knitting

Here is to an art filled 2013.  I spent the long break between Christmas and New Year's Day knitting on Bláithín by Kate Davies.  I was enchanted by all of the new to me techniques that the cardigan has to offer...i-cord bind off, pockets, steeking.

I cast on Christmas Day after all of the hubbub of presents and cooking were done.  The body and the sleeves just about flew off my needles that I thought I could finish this sweater by New Year's Day.

Check out the pockets with the i-cord bind off......

My plans were unraveled when I hit the colorwork.  The colors I thought would work,  were not looking so great so about 10 rows in to the colorwork I ripped it back and started again. 

Not sure if I am thrilled with the colorwork combo I settled on, but I am going to finish up the yoke and see what I think when it is off the needles. 

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