Wednesday, January 09, 2013


We hosted a small gathering of family at our house for Christmas.  An inordinate amount of food was prepared,  large amounts consumed and leftovers scrapped in to any available  container and stacked in the fridge.   From many years of cooking for the family,  I knew I would have left over sweet potatoes.  I like them,  my MIL likes them but that is about as far as they go.  I was pleasantly surprised when shopping that they had 3 varieties of sweet potatoes,  purple,  white and the old standard orange.   I bought one of each and decided not to do anything fancy with them and just roast them up with a little onion and olive oil.

It must have been right around the same time,  trolling Pinterest I ran across a recipe for Roasted Veggie and Black Bean Burritos.

So over the long New Year's Weekend I decided to try the recipe out.  I modified the recipe a bit.....
I tossed my left over potatoes into a skillet to heat them up and then added a bit of water some black beans and the seasoning (did not have any cilantro on hand so skipped that).  Since my potatoes chunks were a bit large to fit in the fajita size tortillas I used a fork to smash everything up a bit. 

Then I rolled them up in fajita size tortillas with a bit of grated cheddar cheese and toasted them in the oven.  Served them with some homemade guacamole, sliced sweet peppers and tomatoes. 


Excellent use of leftover sweet potatoes!  I will be making this one again. 

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