Monday, January 26, 2015

2014: A Look Back

A look at some of the creativity that I added to the world in 2014...........

1.  Created and donated My Baltimore Album Style to the 2014 Quilt Alliance Contest Inspired By and received an Honorable Mention

2. Created and donated The Old Barn to Preservation N and was inspired to keep working with the techniques used to make the quilt....
3.  Follow up barn quilt... Out to Pasture was created for me and won a blue ribbon at the 2014 Quiltfest show in Bismarck.  I look at this quilt every day and am still amazed that I made it and know there are more to come....

4.  I knit nearly everyday.

5. I self published 2 knitting patterns in 2014.

Latvian Mittens

Winter Wheat Hat
6.  I sold 180 patterns via various on line outlets including Craftsy, Ravelry and Etsy.

7.  I sewed Halloween costumes for my kids.  The Elsa dress was from a pattern,  Thor tunic and cape were completely from scratch.

8. Doodled ....

9.  Created some jewelry

 10.  Took a Nalbinding class...

11.  Knit up some Colorwork Ornaments to send to a publisher as my pattern is slated to be in a book in late 2015....

It was a great year,  and I am looking forward to all the creative challenges in 2015. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your Latvian mittens! Will have to look on Rav for the pattern. I love to doodle too, but find that it cuts into my knitting time. I don't have two young kids either, so I'm feeling like a real slacker right now, after seeing all that you accomplish!

