Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On my design wall....

I have shifted gears from knitting to working on my next quilt.  If you follow me on Instagram you have already seen a few photos of the work in progress.  It is a  commission from a colleague and it is of the historic Stutsman County Courthouse.  I blogged about and shared a few photos from a visit to the building a few years ago on a freezing day in January.
It is a grand glorious building.  Constructed in 1883 it is the oldest surviving courthouse in North Dakota.

I a just thrilled how everything is coming together.  All of the pieces are cut raw edge and fused down with wonder under.  Once all the fabric is placed and fused then I will stitch over all the edges with either a dark or light thread.  The stitching is like a scribble line and does cause frayed edges,  but I just go with it.  I like the softness and bit of messiness that the loose threads create.
The blue you seen here will be mostly cut away and the whole building stitched down to the sky fabric (once I figure out what that is going to be) 

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