Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tyvek Postcards

I tried a few different technique with the tyvek. This time I painted the tyvek, placed it over a fabric and quilted it to the timtex then gave it a blast from the heat gun. I haven't discovered anything yet with the tyvek that I would like to incorporate into a quilt, but it sure is fun to play around with. The first two cards, I used a base fabric that I had previously foiled, I like the shinny bits that show through.
On this card I used a layer of angelina fibers, not the best results. The Angelina really dulled when I burned the tyvek.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of a your t-shirt or a your clock / watch and the link of your blog,
I' ll publish in my blog!
Thanks Ivo

Tanya Brown said...

Alien skin! You've discovered how to simulate alien skin with fabric.

Kate North said...

Ooh, I like the way the foil comes through the Tyvek - I might have to try that out. very nice.

Needleroozer said...

Oh those postcards are neat! I have some Tyvek, but haven't tried it yet.

Have you worked with Etal yet? That is something else I have but haven't played with yet.

Barbara said...

These postcards are beautiful. I also play with tyvek and I love it too!